5 Warning Signs You Should Absolutely See a Dentist

According to the American Dental Association, dentists have seen an 81 percent increase in stress-related oral health problems since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

That’s why your monthly dentist appointment can be your saving grace to head off these problems before they get worse. Check out our article on five warning signs you should see a dentist. Understand these symptoms now and you’ll know why seeing a dentist is a good idea.

  1. Dry Mouth

A dry mouth happens when your mouth can’t create enough saliva to clean your teeth or gums. Your saliva contains anti-bacteria to help remove plaque from your teeth. If you can’t produce enough saliva, you run the risk of developing more cavities and tooth decay.

  1. Sore Jaw Muscles

Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ) are the “hinge” muscles that attach your mouth and skull together. These joints help you open and close your mouth so that you can eat, yawn and speak.

TMJ disorders are characterized by a “clicking” sound in your jaw whenever you yawn or chew creates underneath your ear.

Teeth grinding during your sleep often causes TMJ soreness. Your dentist may suggest that you wear a mouth guard at night to protect your teeth long-term.

  1. Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are usually the first sign of gum disease. Gum disease takes place when your gum tissue that surrounds your teeth are infected. There are two types of gum disease; gingivitis and periodontitis.

Adults with gingivitis will have red and swollen gums. Periodontitis is the advanced state of gingivitis that eventually deteriorates the bones that support your teeth.

These types of gum disease can be the first signs of further health problems such as heart disease or diabetes.

  1. Toothache

A toothache happens when your tooth’s “pulp” or inner core is inflamed. This inner core holds a tooth’s nerves and blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tooth.

Tooth pain is also called pulpitis. Pulpitis is usually a sign of other dental problems like an impacted wisdom tooth.

  1. Facial Swelling

Facial swelling can be a sign of root infection. Root infections take place when pockets of dying pulp and bacteria grow inside the tooth’s root canal. When this occurs, it’s time to get immediate emergency dental care.

If your dentist diagnoses a root infection, they perform a procedure called a root canal. Your dentist drills the top of your infected tooth and cleans out the infected pulp and bacteria.

When the infected pulp is gone, your dentist then packs strengthening materials around your tooth to prevent more bacteria from growing inside the canal.

As you can see, oral health problems can be a sign that there are more health problems in your future.

Don’t ever hesitate to call for an appointment if one of these symptoms persist. If you don’t have a dentist, read this article on tips for choosing the best dentist you can find.

Ready to Make a Dentist Appointment?

Do these warning signs sound familiar? If they are present now, make a dentist appointment to put an end to these annoying symptoms. 

Be sure to check out our website for more helpful advice on dental hygiene habits. Let us help you “brush up” on all the ways you can keep your smile at its healthy best.

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