HTML Image Code: Everything You Need to Know About Writing and Reading Image Codes

Do you want to build your own web pages? You’ll need to know HTML.

HTML is the backbone of all content on the internet. There are different HTML elements for different types of content. An HTML image code can be used to embed images into web pages.

The best thing about the HTML language is that it’s easy to learn. Learning to read and write HTML image elements is particularly beneficial for web development.

Are you wondering how to code an image to HTML? Keep reading to find out.

What Is HTML?

HTML is a markup language used for building web pages. That’s right, every page you see on the internet is built using HTML.

The HTML language was first developed in 1990. HTML code provides a standard for proper formatting of text and images. Your browser then reads and interprets the HTML code and renders the web page.

HTML forms the backbone, or basic structure of a page, while CSS provides the styles. CSS stands for ‘cascading style sheets’ and allows you to alter the appearance of web pages.

HTML elements are written with a start stag, some content, and then a closing tag. A paragraph element in HTML looks like this: <p>some text here…</p>

Some elements don’t contain any content. For example, image tags look like this: <img>.

What In an HTML Image Code?

An image tag is an HTML element that can be used to convert an image to HTML code and embed it into a web page. Images can improve the look and feel of a page.

To add an image to your web page, you can use the HTML <img> element. The image element is an empty element. Why? Because it has no text or content inside it.

Embed Images With HTML

So how do you embed images using the HTML <img> element? It’s easy!

First, you need to be familiar with the image element ‘src’ attribute. You see, the src attribute defines which image to embed. It contains a path or URL pointing to the image you want to display on the page.

Before you can display your image, you need to upload it to your webserver. So, let’s say the name of your image is ‘cat.jpg’, and it’s contained in the same directory as your HTML page.

In this case, you could display it like this: <img src=”cat.jpg”>

Image Attributes

The image attribute ‘src’ is the most important as it defines which image to display. However, there are other attributes you can use to alter the properties of your image.

The ‘alt’ attribute is a description of your image. It is very helpful for visually impaired visitors who use screen readers.

The alt attribute is also important for SEO. Search engine crawlers analyze alt tags and this can influence your ranking for certain keywords.

Reading data from an image can require special tools, just take a look at this c# ocr library.

You can also use the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes to define the dimensions of your image. Putting them all together, your image element would look like this:

<img src=”cat.jpg” alt=”a cute black cat” width=”480″ height=”320″>

Understanding HTML Images

Now you know what HTML is and how to use and interpret HTML image code.

The ‘src’ attribute is the most important attribute as it sets the path of the image you want to display. The ‘alt’ attribute provides a description of the image and the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes define its dimensions.

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