Body hair has been one intimidating factor when it comes to flaunting your body, especially among women. Excessive body hair can indicate an underlying hormonal imbalance. However, most people even refrain from having typical growth and are opting for different hair removal techniques. From waxing to tweezing, hair removal has seen different dimensions. But the fact that most of these procedures have their setbacks has made people experiment with other methods. To the rescue, there is laser hair removal which is one among the few quick cosmetic procedures.
A Brief Introduction To The Technique
Any laser technician with a laser safety license in Australia can get your body hair removed via laser. In this technique, you will have a laser beam exposed onto your skin with hair. The laser is capable of breaking down the hair follicles from their root, thereby removing them. Once your hair reaches the growth phase, you can go for a hair removal session. Unlike the common misconception, the laser removal technique is effective and does not subject your skin to damages. You will have the laser’s intensity decided once the cosmetologist reviews the thickness, skin color, and surface texture.
Benefits of hair removal via laser beams
Though most other hair removal techniques can happen at home, not every removal method leaves you with effective results. And that is why laser hair removal has taken an edge over shaving and waxing. Here are some of the common perks you will enjoy from laser removals,
Precise and less invasive
Undeniably, nothing can match up to the precision of removing body hair via lasers. When you go on a waxing session or try to thread off the hair at home, you cannot expect perfection. Laser-based removal sessions can destroy the hair follicle at an even rate, thereby leaving your skin perfectly hair-free. Further, laser techniques are becoming desirable as they prevent the occurrence of ingrown hairs. Shaving or waxing, on the other hand, promotes ingrown hair growth. Ingrown hairs bring with them several disadvantages. Ingrown hairs tend to get affected by bacterial infections, and, in such cases, they can turn intensely painful.
Not very surprisingly, laser-based removal is remarkably less-invasive when compared to most other hair removal methods. Hot waxes or tweezing, sensitive and tender skin are susceptible to rashes and other post-removal complications. Modern lasers leave you with minimal or zero pain during the session, which you cannot enjoy with other options.
For long-lasting results!
One cannot deny that waxing or shaving is not only time-consuming, but the results are also short-lived. Typical waxing sessions can let you go hair-free for three weeks. In most cases, you find new hair growth by the third or fourth week. On the other hand, post-shaving, you can expect complete hair growth to occur in one month. Either way, there is no doubt that you will be spending time and money on temporary results-yielding techniques. However, laser-based hair removal can be permanent or semi-permanent. In cases of semi-permanent results, you can experience mild and coarse hair growth, which can go away with simple touch-up sessions.
An economical and smooth-skin experience
Researches say that an average Australian woman spends around $3,600 per year on beauty. However, the fact that laser-based hair removal is permanent keeps you away from multiple hair removal sessions. Though investing in a laser hair removal session can be slightly on the expensive side compared to other options, you save in the long run. On the bottom line, you will enjoy toned and healthy skin for a lifetime at an affordable price!