If you have a kid who lacks the confidence to try new things, it is time that you start working on boosting their confidence. There are many parents who find their child lacking the confidence to try new things, face new situations, talk to new people, and more. This situation, unlike what you might think, is quite serious. This condition of lacking the confidence to try new things is called Behavioural Inhibition (BI). Most kids with this condition tend to grow up with anxiety disorders. Sounds serious! Doesn’t it?
So, in this situation where you witness your child lacking the confidence to try new things, you need to prepare him or her. Here, in this piece of article, we are going to share with you some tips that will encourage your kid to try new things.
Tips to encourage your kids to try new things
A few things that you can do to help your kid develop the confidence to try new things are –
i) Make them feel failure is normal
Failure indeed is a part of life. This is what you need to portray to your kids. The question is how? There are many ways in which you can develop the confidence of trying new things without worrying about failing. For instance, the next time you play something and fail, make a big joke in front of a kid. You can also keep sharing the stories of your failures with your kid to help them understand that it is perfectly normal for a person to fail.
ii) Appreciate their efforts
Another very effective tip that will help your kid to overcome their fear to try new things is by appreciating their efforts and not just the results. This will encourage them to try new things without worrying about the outcome. It is your job to help your kid understand the importance of trying new things without getting under excessive pressure to win.
iii) Improving their growth mindset
Unlike the times before, psychologists have proven that the mindset can help improve your mental growth. The term “growth mindset” is derived by American psychologist, Carol Dweck. This refers to the ability of a kid to develop their abilities by working hard with dedication. There are several different companies like Quirky Kids that can help you with this. They have several different assessments prepared for kids that you can take advantage of. Through these assessments, you can keep testing your kid’s abilities and help them as required.
Final words
If you are looking for ways to help your kids develop the confidence to try new things. Trying new things is very important for kids to develop their abilities. Understanding the importance of trying new things is very important for a kid. This is where the above-mentioned tips will come in handy. There are several different companies like Quirky Kid that can provide you with professional help to help your kid overcome the fear of trying new things.