If you are looking for safe, uncomplicated and smooth pregnancy, then it is quite obvious that you must take some time out and identify the right obstetrician. However, this is not an easy job because you may not know where to start and where to end. Further if you look around the internet you certainly will come across dozens of such professionals and this might make the job of selecting the right professional that much difficult and even complicated. You must try and identify the right professionals well before your pregnancy and you could take the help of some institution or community which could help identify the right professionals. They will be able to recommend a few such professionals. However, the onus lies on your to choose the best of the lot and this again would depend on the type of questions you would be willing to ask them. Here are a few tips which perhaps could help you to identify the right professionals. Your objective should be to look for qualified, experienced and proven obstetricians like Dr Rahul Sen.
Be Sure About Your Health History
There is no doubt that most pregnancies are safe and uneventful. However the onus lies on you to have a good understanding of your health history. You must be aware about the details of any chronic illnesses which you might suffer. These could include hypertension, cardiovascular complications, blood sugar or diabetes, epilepsy and other such complications. You must be open with your doctor and should not hesitate to share the details with them. This will help the obstetricians to chart the right course leading to pregnancy and make it as uneventful and uncomplicated as possible. If your previous pregnancies have gone through c-section, you could try and go in for vaginal birth provided your obstetrician feels that this could be a safer and doable method of pregnancy.
Experience And Expertise
The next important thing is to be sure that you associate with an obstetrician who carries with him or her the required experience and expertise. Ideally they should have had ten to fifteen years of actual experience in this field and this will help you to feel safe being associated with them. Of course there are other attributes like qualification and their reputation and goodwill which also must not be lost sight of.
Compatibility is another important point which must be kept in mind when it comes to taking the help of obstetricians. You must feel comfortable being with them and you must be able to ask questions quite a few of which could be extremely personal, intimate and uncomfortable. You must be feel comfortable and at home when the professional has the need to examine you physically.
Finally there is no doubt that cost is an important attribute when it comes to identifying these professionals. Pregnancy is certainly an expensive proposition and therefore you must try and make it as economical as possible. This could be done by identifying the right professionals who offer their services at a reasonable price without compromising on quality under any circumstances.