What are these coupon codes that are found on CouponCodeDay’s site? How are they used? These are some of the questions that many people have and lucky enough for you reading this article, all the answers to these and more questions about coupon codes are herein contained. A coupon code is basically a combination of letters and numbers used to identify an offer from a manufacturer or seller with regards to either a discount on goods purchased or even free shipping of the goods purchased. Who in the world would not go for a discount where it is available?

Applying coupon codes
Coupon codes are more often than not unique to the stores that offer them and will thus be applied or used depending on what store you are ordering from. Some stores allow for the application of the code during the shopping stage while others allow the application of the code only during checkout. Depending on the store you are purchasing from, once you have found the code, look for the coupon code box and either type in the code or simply copy and paste it into the box. The code is usually 5 to 10 characters all in caps, may appear random or they may actually spell out actual words.
How to tell a coupon that is not working
Among the reasons as to why a coupon code may not work are restrictions and exclusion. Look out, therefore, for any exclusions and limitations before deciding on what coupon code to use. You can do this easily by getting more details on the code either by clicking on the details link on a store’s website or by running an internet search on that particular coupon code. A code may also fail to work if it is entered incorrectly; thus, caution is required while typing it in or when pasting it. You wouldn’t want to make typing errors at this point.
How to find coupon codes
Again, this is dependent on the store as there are those that list the codes on their websites whereas others do not. Other stores may require one to subscribe to their mail addresses before they can receive the code or even simply following them on their social media platforms and for other stores, a general search on the internet will do. A little digging in for a great deal wouldn’t hurt, right? Other stores may however not have coupon codes at all.
Weighing between one coupon code and another
Where multiple coupon codes are available it would suffice that one is to be very mathematical and only go for that which saves a lot more than the other, I mean who wouldn’t want to save as much as you possibly can! If the free or discounted shipping one outweighs the percentage off one then why not go for the shipping coupon? At the end of the day, it’s always all about saving that extra dollar or shilling. So when deciding on what coupon codes to use always weigh your options and go for the one that maximizes on what you will save after the discount.