Blue Waffle Disease Real or Fake Updated Facts

Have you ever heard of a mysterious disease which attacks men and women? Yes, I am talking about Blue Waffles Disease. The name comes from the blue discoloration in the vaginal area. It is an infection or inflammation of vaginal part. Whenever you see the picture of blue waffle disease you will come across the scary images.

What is Blue Waffle Disease?

Blue Waffle is basically a sexually transmitted disease and it causes blue coloration in genital organs of female. It makes you secrete smelly discharge from your vaginal organs. The intensity of this disease is more in women as compared to men. Read more at this website

blue waffle disease

What are the symptoms of Blue Waffle Disease?

Blue Waffle disease is a condition which is similar to virginity. This topic became a matter of public interest in 2007.

  1. Change of Color of Vagina:

The major symptom of blue waffle disease is the change of color of vagina. The change of color of vagina is an indication of something serious. The discoloration is the result of constant bruising of vagina by penis.

  1. Foul Smell from Vaginal Discharge:

This disease not only causes discoloration of vagina but there is also presence of smelly secretions from vagina. The foul smell is due to the presence of bacteria and these bacteria also spread to other partner. Due to the presence of discharge the vagina becomes itchy and you feel like scratching the whole lower area which further makes your condition critical.

  1. Feeling pain or burning in vagina:

Due to infection, the vaginal area gets inflamed and as a result pain occurs. There is burning or tingling sensation in the vaginal area. As a result of infection, the blood vessels dilate and it causes soreness in the vaginal area.

  1. Dry Skin and pain during intercourse:

Due to infection the skin becomes dry and the dryness becomes a reason of painful vaginal intercourse.

  1. More Symptoms involved:

You can also get more symptoms associated with this scary disease. The symptoms include fever, nausea feeling, Pain during sleep, low self-esteem, change of menstrual cycle, infertility and other related symptoms.

Causes of Blue Waffle Disease

Have you ever thought that how do get this mysterious disease. As indicated that it is a sexually transmitted disease so it is obvious that it spreads through unsafe and unprotected sex. There are various risks involved with this disease and this disease may attack you if you have following conditions.

Poor Hygienic Conditions

Those who don’t bother to have safe sex and involve in unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple sex partners may become the victim of this mysterious disease. Improper sex practice, use of unclean sex toys and not considering sexual hygiene can ultimately lead to this disease especially when you get cuts and bruises in the sex organs. Not wearing clean undergarments further aggravates the whole situation.

Stress and Weak Immune System

As we know that vaginal area of our body has its own immune system which prevents the propagation of harmful bacteria. This sensitive area cannot be compromised with unhygienic sex practices. Moreover, the changes in pH of vagina can become the reason of loss of immune function of this particular area, read more blog Charlies Magazines

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