Thanks to the immensely popular HBO series Euphoria, which focuses on a teenage opioid addict, teenage drug use has become a hot topic on social media and around America’s dinner tables.
But, do you know the myths from the facts when it comes to substance abuse among teens?
If you’re a parent, teacher, or anyone else with a teenager in their life, it’s essential that you get the scoop on teen drug addiction.
Keep reading, and we’ll answer the burning question: can teen drug addiction be cured?
How Common Is Teen Drug Addiction?
50% of teenagers in the U.S. have misused a drug at least once. Most people who try drugs don’t become addicts; however, teenagers are more vulnerable to addiction than adults because their brains are more elastic.
The most common drug that teenagers abuse is alcohol. Marijuana and nicotine are both close behind.
In 2020, about 788,000 teenagers suffered from Illicit Drug Use Disorder. For more information, you can read about teen drug addiction here.
Treatment Options — Can Teen Drug Addiction Be Cured?
Here’s the good news: teenage drug addiction can be treated and permanent sobriety is possible. It’s important to address teen drug use as soon as you can.
Let’s break down the best ways to help a teen drug addict get sober.
Drug Rehab
If possible, teen drug addicts should spend time recovering in a drug rehab center. In drug rehab, teens have access to individual and group therapy, 24/7 supervision, community, and the help they need while going through withdrawal.
Teen drug addicts should look for a rehab program that specializes in helping addicted youth since young people have different emotional needs than adults.
Therapy is essential to keeping a teenage drug addict sober. A therapist will help the teen stay accountable for their sobriety and address the underlying issues that led them to abuse drugs in the first place.
Maintaining a stable relationship with a trusted therapist can help give teen drug addicts the stability they need to remain sober.
Family Support
Keeping a teenage drug addict sober should be a family effort. Addiction recovery can be very scary for a teen, and the more support they receive at home, the more likely they are to stay motivated in recovery.
Of course, not everyone has a supportive family at home. If you know a teenage drug addict who lacks a good support system at home, you can help by being there for them and/or researching community support programs.
Hope for Teen Drug Addiction
Teen drug addiction can be dangerous, but there is always hope for recovery. Remember — anyone can recover from addiction with the proper help, no matter their age.
If you are concerned about a teenage drug user in your life, reach out to a rehab center near you as soon as possible.
For more tips on keeping your family healthy, check out the rest of our blog now!