Should Milk Be Excluded From Your Diet For Weight Loss?

Dairy products and milk are excellent sources of calcium and protein, which should be included in a healthy eating plan. However, is milk suitable for consumption when you are trying to lose weight? White milk has a high calcium content, which is keeping our bones and teeth strong, and the protein content helps with building and repairing tissue. Milk contains fat, however, of which a significant portion is saturated fats.

Should I Avoid Consuming Milk When I’m Trying To Lose Weight?

Milk can lead to weight gain if your calorie intake exceeds the number of calories you burn. Weight gain might happen because of the additional calorie intake rather than specific compounds found in milk. It is worth remembering, though, that milk is frequently included in eating plans for people who are looking to gain weight.

How Much Milk Can I Consume?

You can add about 150 calories to your daily intake by consuming a cup of milk. Milk is naturally high in lactose (sugars), which will add to the calorie amount. Therefore, it is easy to see why drinking several glasses of milk can pile on the calories and, subsequently, the pounds. Flavored milk, for example, chocolate milk, will have added ingredients that are also contributing to the sugar content, therefore keep this in mind. People were under the misconception that fats make one fat. But this is not true. With the right amount of healthy fats, you can boost your overall health. If you would like to keep on drinking milk, one glass per day wouldn’t result in any issues unless you are lactose intolerant.

Alternative Sources Of Calcium

Milk contains the nutrient calcium, which is often talked about when milk is discussed. Calcium is essential for healthy bones. There are other sources of calcium that you can consider, like kale, broccoli, spinach, and almonds. There are plenty of other substitutes to drinking dairy milk like rice, oak, hazelnut, almond, quinoa, and hemp seed-based drinks. Also, check this post from for more milk substitutes. Don’t be under the illusion that you will become calcium deficient if you don’t drink milk since you can still get your calcium intake by incorporating other sources into your diet. You can also consume completely different types of beverages like coconut water, for instance. Coconut water is an excellent alternative and is delicious. Another great way of boosting your nutrient intake without piling on calories is by making your own flavored water. You can add fruits to your glass of water and allow the flavors to infuse into the water. A great example includes adding mint leaves to your glass of water, which is refreshing and delicious.

What Drinks To Avoid?

  • Fizzy drinks– are loaded with sugar. Sometimes they can contain about four teaspoons of sugar per glass.
  • Alcoholic drinks– some alcoholic beverages contain significant amounts of sugar, particularly cocktails and alcopops; therefore, it is best to avoid them if you’re trying to lose weight.

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