This Is How to Start a Snow Removal Business

Do you have the entrepreneurial spirit when the season changes and it’s bitter cold outside? If you haven’t thought of it already, snow removal is a very lucrative business.

You could charge $30-$100 for up to 6″ of snow and another $30 per additional 6″. If you have a snow plow you could charge anywhere between $25-$75 per hour. Per season contracts can earn you $200-$600.

If you’re smart, you won’t let this money melt away. If you’d like to learn how to start a snow removal business, get your shovel out and read below.


When figuring out how to start a snow removal business, you’ll want to first start with what services you’ll offer. Think about the area you’ll be working in and how much snowfall and ice accumulate annually. Is there more snow than ice or is it a bit of a mixture?

Once you have that squared away, decide if you want to tackle residential or commercial accounts. When starting a snow removal company, choose one, not both. When you have more experience down the (snowy) road, you can expand to other types of accounts.

Deciding on one will cut down on costs too because you won’t have to buy double the amount of equipment.


Removing snow requires all types of equipment, right? From trucks to shovels to snowblowers, it’s all going to add up with the cost. Do you have anything to start with?

What will you need to carry when heading to a job at a residence or storefront. Do you own a plow-ready truck? You’ll want to have some rock salt and ice melt on hand too.

After each job, do a rundown on your equipment list. Does anything need to be upgraded or repaired? Have some money set aside for repairs if anything issues occur when out on the job?

Target Market

Another thing you’ll want to figure out when learning how to start a snow removal business is your target market. Focus on smaller clients that need help removing snow first. Once you build up a portfolio of clientele, you can move up the ladder to bigger jobs like shopping centers and office complexes.

Snow contract companies are often rewarded with bigger jobs. Don’t let this stop you from starting a snow removal company. Work your way up the ranks and you’ll get the bigger jobs in no time.

Insuring a Business

A very important aspect when starting a snow removal company is ensuring it. Let’s face it, accidents and injuries happen no matter what job it is. This is especially true when out in the elements.

Do you and your team a favor and get yourself some snow removal insurance right away.

Refer to This How to Start a Snow Removal Business Guide

If you ever need a refresher, please refer to this how-to start a snow removal business guide. The good news is you don’t need much to get started. Even teenagers can earn a decent income by doing this door to door.

Start small and work your way up. Even a couple of friends and shovels will do the trick. Be sure to keep an eye out for your weather app.

For more informative guides on business and the like, be sure to browse our blog.

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