Hemangioma Causes: A Brief Overview

Does your child have hemangioma? Don’t worry; your child isn’t alone. Roughly 4 to 5% of all infants have some form of hemangioma.  

Now, it’s only natural to wonder about hemangioma causes? Well, with this guide, you can find out! From what it is to the causes, you can be better informed about this common growth. 

Now, are you ready to get started? Here’s a quick look at hemangioma: 

What Is Hemangioma? 

Hemangioma, also known as proliferating infantile hemangioma, are benign growths of blood vessels. Sadly, hemangioma is one of the most common growths in children. Typically they grow for a short time span but usually diminish without the need for treatment by the time the child is ten years old. 

The growth normally doesn’t cause problems for infants; however, there are cases where the hemangioma can open up and bleed. This can be painful especially depending on the location and size of the growth. 

What Are a Few Hemangioma Causes? 

Sadly there is no known exact cause of hemangioma. However, there are theories as to why children may even get it in certain locations vs. other locations. 

For example, children who have hemangiomas of the liver tend to be sensitive to estrogen. This can sometimes happen during pregnancy if a woman is prescribed estrogen replacement medication. The excess of estrogen can lead to an increase in the growth of liver hemangiomas. 

However, if your child has a hemangioma on the skin, some doctors hypothesize that it’s caused by certain proteins in the placenta. Although, doctors are not sure what makes one likely to have such proteins or why certain proteins cause this reaction. There’s still a lot unknown about this ailment. 

Treatment Options

If your child has a small, single hemangioma, then he or she won’t likely require treatment. In fact, it will likely go away on its own.  

However, in some cases, treatment is needed. For example, infants that have hemangiomas on their face or those that develop sores will need treatment. Common treatment options include: 


Beta-blockers are generally used as the first line of defense against hemangiomas. There are two commonly used beta-blockers, here they are:

  1. Oral propranolol: This beta-blocker is one of the best for systemic treatments. It was approved by the FDA in 2014 and ever since has gained a reputation as a good-working long-term drug. 
  2. Topical Beta-Blockers: Now, topical beta-blockers like timolol gel are generally used on small hemangiomas that are located on the top of the skin. They can also be used to treat smaller ulcerated hemangiomas. 

Laser Treatment 

Laser treatment is often used to separate the hemangioma from the top layers of the skin. If needed, the surgeon may use laser treatment to decrease the redness of the hemangioma and enhance its appearance. 

Get Treated for Hemangioma Today 

If your child has hemangioma, then it may go away on its own. However, consult with a doctor as depending on the size and location of the growth, it may need treatment. 

Although, the good news is there are plenty of good treatment options for you to choose from. While doctors aren’t 100% sure what’s causing it, they will certainly treat it the best they can. That way, your child has a normal and carefree life!

Now, for more information about Hemangioma causes, visit our website. We look forward to helping you!

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