The body is the instrument for every dancer. There are a variety of items a dancer requires in their enormous bags. Every tool in this bag is as important as the dancewear. It is impossible to think of a dancer without these tools. Ensure the bag is ready for the summer dance school session with everything required to be safe and comfortable. Check out the must-haves in the dance bag. 

  • Dance shoes

The most important thing in dancewear is the dance shoes. It is important to have a variety of shoes in an audition. Basic ballet slippers or sneakers will do wonders but try to pack shoes for specialty dances too, like tap or pointe. Judges in the audition may suddenly want to watch a different performance. It would be difficult to perform without a perfect pair of shoes. 

  • Extra dance clothes

Don’t forget to pack extra clothes. Spare clothes will save you from tears, stains, and excess sweating. Extra tights and leotards are a must-have. Summer is unpredictable, and the temperature can vary widely.

  • Towel

Dancer sweats even in the cool weather. Sweaty skin can cause danger during group performances. Pack two clean towels in the bag. 

  • Hairbrush and hairspray

Hairstyling should be perfect in a dance performance because it is one of the attractions on the stage. A neat hairstyle stays in place. Elastic ties and barrettes can give a professional look. 

  • Bandage 

To prevent unexpected injuries, prepare a large assortment of bandages. 

  • Deodorant

Do not stink up during the dance session. No one likes a performer who smells bad!

  • Extra photo and resume

Be ready with an extra photo and resume always. Dance session or audition, no idea where the opportunity knocks!

  • Water bottle

It is important for you to be well hydrated during the rehearsal and audition. A reusable water bottle will help. It would be wise not to carry glass bottles in the dance bag. 

  • Perfume 

What if there is no time to take a shower after the rehearsals or rigorous classes? A mild cologne or perfume can help on those busy days, which gives a fresh smell and feel. 

  • Antiseptic wipes

Minor cuts or scrapes are normal during dance rehearsals. Antiseptic wipes help to cleanse without leaving the stage area. 

  • Breath fresheners

To give a pleasant impression to the fellow performers or anyone in the summer school. 

  • Antibiotic ointment

Do not wait to apply on the cut or scrape after cleansing to prevent infection. 

  • Makeup kit

Take care of makeup essentials to repair smears and smudges at the last minute of the rehearsal or sessions.

  • Razor

A disposable razor for a last-minute change of tights or leotard. 

  • Plastic bag

This carries a wet towel, dance clothes, and dirty shoes. 

  • Healthy snack

It is important to have healthy snacks like fruits and nuts for dancers. Every nutritionist advises having healthy food for dancers. Do not forget to find space for a healthy snack in the bag. 

  • Protein bar

What if there’s no long break or time to find meals during the audition? Be ready with a protein bar to fill the tummy. 

  • Notebook and pen

It is to record every single important piece of information and contacts. 

  • Reading material

To ease the tension and use the free time appropriately, carry some good books or magazines in the bag. It will be the best option in places where it is inappropriate to use electronic devices.


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