What Clinical Cancer Research Is Saying About Preventative Diets


Lung cancer was still the leading cause of death by these diseases in the United States in 2019. However, colon, rectum, and pancreas cancer was next in line.

Colon and rectum cancers accounted for 9% of all deaths, while pancreatic cancer was just behind at 8%. Lung cancer represented 23% of all cancer-related deaths in 2019.

Encouragingly, the number of overall deaths by cancer has fallen over the last decade from 200.8 to 146.2 per 100,000 people. Clinical cancer research has helped people isolate foods and lifestyle choices to avoid illness.

Knowing what foods you should consume and how to structure your daily routine is crucial to staying healthy. Also, knowing what the latest cancer research has to say will help you inform your lifestyle choices.

In this article, we review some of this cancer prevention research and discuss how it can help you.

Processed Foods

Except for tobacco products, nothing has pointed to more cancer problems than ingesting processed foods.

A recent study found most of these foods lack essential vitamins and fibers but are content-rich with sugar, fat, and salt. In some countries, processed foods represented as much as half of the people’s daily energy intake.

The British-backed study showed strong links between processed foods and cancer of many varieties.

To avoid these foods, stay away from packaged bakery products, sugary cereals, and deli meats. Also, you should avoid reconstituted meat products and sugary snacks and sodas.

Avoid Sugar and Candy

There is no direct link to sugar and candy causing cancer, but that doesn’t mean that these high choleric substances shouldn’t be avoided.

Overweight people are more susceptible to fall ill to cancer, and overindulging in sugar and sweets can add many unnecessary pounds.

In fact, another recent study found that obesity is one of the leading causes of cancer. That same study found that keeping a healthy weight can reduce your risk of contracting 13 different types of cancer.

Antioxidants Rich Foods

The National Cancer Institute has found that antioxidants play a major role in fighting the war on cancer. These foods and victims help eliminate free radicals from the blood. Free radicals attack healthy cells and trigger an immune response.

Vitamin C,  Beta carotene, and Vitamin E — most of which are found in leafy vegetables and citrus fruits — are great ways to load up on antioxidants. These vitamins are also prevalent in healthy snacks and other natural foods.

Couple Diet with Exercise

To maximize cancer prevention, stay active. According to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, physical activity and a healthy diet are the best ways to reduce cancer risk.

Their research suggests that people should sit as little as possible. Try for 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intense exercise each week. The center also suggests some sort of strength training activities each week.

Clinical Cancer Research Is Always Evolving

While the reduction in overall cancer deaths is encouraging, consumers should stay abreast with the latest news to help lead a healthy lifestyle.

Updates from the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society can help you get the latest clinical cancer research. And this news will help maximize your recovery from the disease and its treatment.

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